Digital gardens represent collections of your thoughts and knowledge on various topics.

Some might be as small as one paragraph, others as big as a complete guide on a subject. Some containing just a bullet list of facts and instructions, others filled with visual notes, mindmaps, or any kind of graphics that can help drive an idea.

It helps when you articulate them from the perspective that you are talking with your future you.

You are planting a seed in your digital garden with every new idea that you write down. As time passes and your knowledge increases, the ideas start to shape themselves into an organized form, reaching a so-called "evergreen" state.

Digital gardens differ from traditional blogs in that posts are not ordered chronologically, but instead resemble a network of ideas that are linked together.

There are multiple ways to structure your notes, but don't overthink it. Is better to focus on writing and let the structure reveal itself in time.

You can get started nowadays with a plethora of options. If you want solutions out of the box, you can use Obsidian, Logseq, Notion, and TiddlyWiki.

Maggie Appleton's Blog has examples of digital gardens as well as a comprehensive list of tools to get you started:

links: Tags/Learning
tags: #seed-🌱 #output/note