Entrepreneurship | Analytics
Characteristics of a good hypothesis
- Testable
- Your hypotheses is testable when it can be shown true or false, based on evidence.
- ❌ We believe millennial parents prefer craft projects.
- ✅ We believe millennial parents prefer curated science projects that match their kids education level
- Precise
- Your hypothesis is precise when you know what success looks like. Ideally, it describes the precise what, who and when of your assumptions
- ❌ We believe millennials will spend a lot on science projects.
- ✅ We believe millennials parents with kids aged 5-9 will pay $15 a month for curated science projects that match their kids education level.
- Discrete
- Your hypothesis is discrete when it describes only one distinct, testable and precise thing you want to investigate.
- ❌ We believe we can buy and ship science project boxes at a profit
- ✅ We believe we can purchase science project materials at wholesale for less than $3 a box.
- ✅ We believe we can ship science projects materials domestically for less than $5 a box.
Source: Testing Business Ideas
How can you phrase the hypothesis and the new learning?